Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pics from the beach

Hola from Group 3! We started this morning with goodbyes to our host families. The community was so kind to us, and after giving many hugs and thanks, we started our journey towards Limon. The few hour bus ride took us to a hotel right a cross from the beautiful beach. We unloaded our things, and then headed to the beach. We frolicked in the ocean for a bit, and then some of the girls laid out on the beach while the boys played a riveting game of soccer. After relaxing on the beautiful, building-free seashore for a few hours, we returned to shower before dinner. However, it so happened that there was a water problem leaving 4 poor souls without showers (Caroline, Katherine T, Katherine K, and one of our guides Marcela). By the time the water began working again, it was time for dinner. We went to a wonderful restaurant with food that included jerk chicken/fish and fish/chicken tacos. All were delicious, and we returned to our hotel for our evening chat, during which the bandana was passed to Liddy. The day ended well: those without showers were able to get clean, card games were played, the food was good, and giant crabs were found. Tomorrow, hiking and kayaking await us. ¡Pura Vida!
~Katherine Kristink

Kayaking and hiking-Group 1

Hello everyone back home!
Today we started out eating breakfast and then went to the beach for our hike. We split into 2 groups and our leader was Tino who was super awesome. He showed us some pretty awesome stuff like the most poisonous insect in Central America, the bullet ant, a little snake that was still very scary called the eyelash viper, and we went to a cool bat cave near the beach. It was super beautiful and crazy to think we are here in the jungle. We ate lunch then went to go kayaking in a river through the middle of the jungle. The water was a little chilly but still pretty. We saw some toucans and a few howler monkeys and spent the rest of the day hanging out in the ocean. Mom and dad you can breathe because I am still alive and having the best time. 
Much love from group 1, Claire :)

Our home stays, Group 3

We arrived in Tres Equis on Sunday and we're welcomed with warm hugs and lots of delicious food  . After meeting our families we made our ways to our houses where we would stay for the next two nights. As soon as Katherine K. and I walked into our house, our two host sisters gave us bracelets and drawings they had made. We all braided each other's hair and got to know one another as we waited for dinner. As we left today, we gave our families our gifts and said sad goodbyes. Each family gave us unique gifts, traditional to Tres Equis. My homestay family gave Katherine K. and me huge bags of DELICIOUS coffee that will make having to come home a little easier! The kindness and hospitality that the people of this small town exemplified was something that I, as well as all the others, will never forget. My experience at my home stay left me with so much knowledge about  the culture and lifestyle in Tres Equis, giving me great memories that will last a lifetime!!

- Olivia Schraibman
Ps. Hey family! Hope y'all are having a great time in DC. Love and miss y'all!!

The food at the home stays was absolutely amazing. At my house, our mom knew how to cook! Liddy, Katherine T, and I ate many beans and rice, as well as chicken and fish, eggs, plantanes, and a lot of bread! Though all of this food is a bit difficult to digest, it is worth the stomach aches, and I can't wait to try even more different foods the rest of the trip! Also, not having any technology gives our eyes rest as well as our bodies because we get much more sleep! We're also a lot more social!!! Something to keep in mind when arriving back at our real homes... ;)
-Franny Marella :)

Group 1 Day 3

¡Hola amigos!

Pura vida from Taylor! Today is Day 2 of our Costa Rican adventure. I'm going to take y'all backwards in time. 

We're on the way to the beach right now. We spent our morning repelling down waterfalls and being dropped from large cliffs. Here's what Theo thought of the experience: "Repelling is cool. We were in the forest in the middle of nowhere and following the river. It wasn't too hot. There was a lot of sounds but we couldn't always tell where they were coming from. It's like the forest is alive."

Yesterday we went zip lining and caving. Seventh described it as: "A different but fun experience and being able to enjoy it with a group of friends from school made it that much more enjoyable." Jared says, "Ziplining was really fun. Almost all the zip lines were bigger than the one in Nanahala (the 9th grade trip). The view of the whole area as well as the massive volcano that was visible as you went along the zip lines made that much better as well."

I've spent a lot of the trip screaming and squealing. I want a hamburger but they keep serving me beans and rice. If my parents are reading this, please reassure Mama that I have not gotten sick and I feel fine. 

"Shaka Brah" - Charlie
"Hello Ainsley!" - Peyton


Group 1 day 3

Hello everyone back home.  Group 1 has had a wonderful time in the Costa Rican mountains. After a long and winding  drive we arrived at the Miradas Arenal resort/hotel. Our location was perfect as it provided beautiful scenery of one of Costa Rica's largest volcanos. Soon after arriving, the majority of the group was fast asleep.   The next morning we were treated to a delicious traditional breakfast of beans and rice, eggs, fruit, fried plantains, and toast. Shortly after breakfast, we took a short bus ride to a zip line center. The zip line was extraordinary, as we flew across a canopy of local plants and trees. The line also looked out over Costa Rica's largest lake.  After a wonderful time, we drove about 1.5 hours to our next expedition. The group ate another traditional meal of chicken, rice and beans, and salad. With every meal we have enjoyed fresh fruit juice from a wide variety of Central American produce. Our second expedition took place in a cave. After a short walk, we entered the mouth of the cave. Once inside we ventured to the "Birth Canal". The "Birth Canal" is a small hole in the cave that leads back to the main cave. We then ventured to many other places in the cave where we saw bats, spiders, and other animals. After the "dry part" of the cave we ventured into the "wet part". In this part, we sloshed through knee deep water in rock tunnels that were no more than 3 feet high. When we finished at the caves, we drove to a local hot springs. This was a wonderful place to relax after an exciting day. After the springs we ate dinner and journeyed back to our hotel. 

William Lott

More Group I Rappelling Photos

Monday, March 30, 2015

Group I, Day 3

Group I completed the La Fortuna leg of their expedition with style this morning before heading to the Caribbean coast by doing some serious waterfall rappelling in the jungle! Here are some photos. So proud of each of them. Comfort zones have definitely expanded...

Day Three Tortugas Candados

    Hola chicos y chicas! Currently, all I can say about this trip so far is wow. From hiking in the rainforests, the amazing beaches, and (unexpectedly) the delicious food, Costa Rica has hit every expectation, and today was no exception. As we began our journey through the coastal region, the Tortugas Candados traveled to Cahuita Park a embark on a snorkeling and hiking expedition. My favorite part of the morning was definitely going face to face with a white face monkey. Surprisingly, nobody (except for McKay) got too sunburned And we still had a great time. After completing the hike, we went to lunch in a small restraunt in Puertoviejo which had the greatest ice cream I've ever eaten! After that, we went on a nice stroll of downtown Puertoviejo and checked out the multiple shops downtown. Although I didn't buy to much merchandise, it definitely taught me about both the people and the culture of the country. To finish off the day, we returned to the hotel and decided to play a nice game of beach football where we met a kid from Costa Rica who, conveniently was also John. Looking back on today I learned a lot about myself and my group. It turns out Nicholas is insane at Karate, Chris's new name is Michael Phelps, and even I learned that I'm not the best dancer. To my mom, dad, Ann, and any other family member who is reading this, I love Yall, miss you guys a ton, and I haven't starved to death!
Pura Vida! John Taylor

Group 3 in Tres Equis

Today we visited a small village outside of Tres Equis.  We went to a school called "El Sol" and helped build benches for the students as well as paint the school.  After lunch, a local showed us how to cut open coconuts and drink the milk.  It was delicious.  It was very rewarding to help people that are not as privileged as we are, but also to experience a different cultures everyday life.  The Costa Rican people are very welcoming and appreciative of us, which helps a lot.  After lunch we played soccer with the village; the soccer field was on the side of a cliff with an amazing view.  Tonight we will learn a traditional dance. For the past two days we have enjoyed the hospitality of our families that we are staying with.


Las Tortugas Candados - Day 3

Today las tortugas candados had an amazing last day on the coast!! We woke up for breakfast at our hotel around 7, consisting of scrambled eggs and the famous rice and beans of course! It was a beautiful sunny day, just perfect for our adventurous schedule. After breakfast, we rode our bus about 30 minutes away to Cahuita National Park where we met our 2 guides, Alex and Taz, who took us snorkeling!! We rode on 2 different boats out into the clear, blue water. We all looked mighty cute, I must say, in our huge goggles and flippers:) We got to see all kinds of fish and many amazing coral reefs. When we were done exploring, the boat took us to another part of the shore where we parted from our guides. Here, 2 monkeys were casually walking around us while we snacked. A few of us got in trouble for trying to feed and touch them.. Not naming names(squad rules). After our short break we hiked in our bathing suits on a trail along the beach, seeing the occasional snake, sloth, or monkey hanging out in some trees. When we got back to the bus, we drove to lunch which had(can you guess?!) rice and beans!! Then, we drove to town and got to walk around for an hour. I think every girl has their share of Costa Rican bracelets now! After town, we had the rest of the afternoon to hang out on the beach. We started a game of football(American). Typical Americans, pale and playing football like a bunch of gringos. We even had our local friend, John, join in our game! Our chill afternoon perfectly describes Costa Rica, no worries mon. Then we showered(we actually do shower parents) and went to another amazing meal for dinner. Solid day, I must say. Sad to be leaving the Carribean, but we are excited to start our next journey as the squad we are. Hey madre, padre, and Jack. Jack- hope you're holding down the fort while I'm gone. 

¡Pura Vida! 
Maggie A