Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Crazy 8

It all started this morning in room 8 at about 2 in the morning. Edward started screaming which resulted in everyone in our room screaming for a solid 5-10 minutes. After this bizarre episode, we went about our day. We went on a hike which was pretty cool, we ate strange fruits, saw sloths, monkeys, killer ants, etc. After this two hour venture into the woods we went kayaking.  Chevy and I were the only people to flip our kayak, rather funny stuff. after kayaking we played more soccer on the beach and went back to our hotel and then to dinner. After saying I had no lows on the day, I returned to my room to have my low revealed to me. I discovered that our room had been flooded. Thank you guests staying above us for flooding your sink. Luckily no clothes were ruined but still rather unfortunate. Now we're just chilling out in the hallway waiting for our room to get cleaned in stuff. It's been a strange day to say the least.  I promise this is not an April fools joke, this is a true story. Overall, still a good day.

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