Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Group II enters Tres Equis

Every evening, each group comes together in a circle to share highs and lows of the day. Today, there were no lows. There are so many joys watching our students experience a totally different culture like they do in the town of Tres Equis. After the full day of rafting on the Pacuare, we drove to the small village where some of our guides grew up and still live. Nervous anticipation and anxiety filled our bus and grew as we got closer and closer. Upon arrival, students quickly learned that, like in many situations in life, they were way too nervous, and they quickly were enjoying the experience of full immersion. When we reconvened as a group a couple of hours later, each student laughed numerous times about their interaction with their host families. In short, they are all loving it and are finding ways to connect with everyone, particularly the younger kids. There were only highs today in Group II...no lows...just another incredible day in paradise. Tomorrow is a day for giving back to the community that has already given so much to us. Here are a few pics to enjoy.    Chris

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