Monday, March 25, 2013

Beach Day - Group 1

Friendly - that's how you describe the people of Costa Rica. The people wave to us and speak to us; they are some of the happiest people I have ever met. The people live on so little but are some of the happiest people I've ever met. We live on so much and are so ungrateful for what we have. It all becomes your outlook on life. Today we started the day with a hike through the jungle. Our guide, Michael, could spot an animal from a mile away. Mr. Angel succeed in getting me out of my comfort zone with the amount of spiders we saw. Our group saw monkeys, sloths, and many spiders. We tried starfruit and even ate termites. Donald and Cannon took turns carrying the machete as we hiked around. We rounded out the day with a quick hike to the beach and a much needed swim. We then kayaked around the ocean and river. The boys have become such gentlemen with checking on us and helping us when needed. Mr. Hillard keeps us in line and Mrs. Stoddard makes sure we are all okay at all times and is as sweet as can be. Mr. Hillard and Mrs. Stoddard have quickly picked up on my love of children, so they make sure they point out a child when we see one, which only makes the home stays so much more exciting when they happen in a couple of days! Today was a great opportunity to see wildlife and enjoy the beach. I'm excited to see what the rest of the week holds for my group!! A lesson any of can take away from this trip is, it doesn't matter what you have or where you come from you can still be incredibly happy.
Pura Vida!
Mary Clyde

Today was a full and exciting day! On our walking tour this morning, I let a spider crawl on my face, (yes, Mooma, I really did that!) ate live termites, and drank fresh coconut milk out of a coconut that our guide, Tino, cut with his machete on the beach. We then kayaked through a lake and the ocean and relaxed in the crystal clear ocean. We ate fresh pineapple and trail mix after our swim until it was time to leave and go back to the hotel! We're off to dinner now for some chicken, rice and beans then an early bedtime to rest and get ready for a great day of snorkeling tomorrow morning! ¡Pura Vida! Britt

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